Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Building a name

Building my name up online has been quite a tedious process for me. It's been an overload of clicking, typing, apple-z, and more clicking. My fingers beg me to take a break but I think about all the work that I need to get done and I push on. I should be trained for this though. After all, I was born into a generation that played video games so much, skipping dinner to pass a level or two was the norm. Along side video game consoles were computers and laptops and tiny cell phones. Everything is done with fingers! On top of all that I draw, paint and build things with my hands. Being an artist requires your hands for work that isn't consistent in muscle movements as say, typing or clicking. So I think by now I'm over due for arthritis but who isn't? I'm sure by the next generation arthritis will cease to exist.

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